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GPR32G protein-coupled receptor 32
GCM2Glial cells missing homolog 2
KIAA1549LKIAA1549 like
PAX1Paired box 1
TMC3Transmembrane channel like 3
MSS51MSS51 mitochondrial translational activator
PAX9Paired box 9
PCDHAC1Protocadherin alpha subfamily C, 1
FRMPD4FERM and PDZ domain containing 4
PCDHAC2Protocadherin alpha subfamily C, 2
SIX3SIX homeobox 3
HMGXB3HMG-box containing 3
CASRCalcium sensing receptor
CD109CD109 molecule
PTHParathyroid hormone
RAB6DRAB6D, member RAS oncogene family
RAPGEF5Rap guanine nucleotide exchange factor 5
TDRD9Tudor domain containing 9
CHGAChromogranin A
LGI2Leucine rich repeat LGI family member 2
NLRP5NLR family pyrin domain containing 5
TINF2TERF1 interacting nuclear factor 2
ABCG4ATP binding cassette subfamily G member 4
ADAM23ADAM metallopeptidase domain 23
ANKRD45Ankyrin repeat domain 45
CLCNKAChloride voltage-gated channel Ka
DIRAS1DIRAS family GTPase 1
ERVMER34-1Endogenous retrovirus group MER34 member 1, envelope
FAM231CFamily with sequence similarity 231 member C
FMN2Formin 2
KANSL1LKAT8 regulatory NSL complex subunit 1 like
NCKIPSDNCK interacting protein with SH3 domain
PCDH11XProtocadherin 11 X-linked
PEX5LPeroxisomal biogenesis factor 5 like
SLC17A5Solute carrier family 17 member 5
STEAP3STEAP3 metalloreductase
SYCP2LSynaptonemal complex protein 2 like
AAK1AP2 associated kinase 1
ACSL3Acyl-CoA synthetase long chain family member 3
CALCACalcitonin related polypeptide alpha
CCDC86Coiled-coil domain containing 86
CHRNA4Cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 4 subunit
EPHA7EPH receptor A7
GAREM2GRB2 associated regulator of MAPK1 subtype 2
KIF13BKinesin family member 13B
LZTS1Leucine zipper tumor suppressor 1
PRRT3Proline rich transmembrane protein 3
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